Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I married a linebacker...

Notice my hair is a little longer on this avatar...
And for those of you who don't remember, it was Rick Larkin who always said this on the morning announcements.

I'm not sure what it is about the first few days of school when we start back each year, but my feet hurt so bad, I am almost in tears.  I can be on my feet for hours at a stretch when  I am painting and never have this problem.  I think somehow the tension and stress of that first week back on campus goes right to my foundation!
I talked to my grandson today and was reminded that my situation is not so different from that of my students.  I asked Dave if he had a nice teacher (and he assured me that he does) and he asked me if I had nice kids.  I told him that I do, but then I really thought about what he was asking and realized how important to all of us it is that those we are scheduled to be with for 45 minutes at a time are "nice."  I have been told over the years that students don't "care how much you know" until they "know how much you care."  Well, let me tell you, teachers can teach anything to students who are nice.  They will jump through whatever hoops are placed in their paths to make their students successful.  Of course, we all know that our kids bring a lot of baggage to school with them, and maybe some of that stuff makes it really difficult for them to be nice.  So I am reminded how important it is for me to reach those students.  How vital it is for me to be sane and stable for them, even when my feet hurt.
Thanks to all of my student who have been so kind the past two days.  And please be patient with me until I get my legs under me again.  We are going to have an exceptional year.
I also want to thank the football boys who asked me today if I would wear their jerseys on Friday.  You have no idea what it means to a teacher to be honored that way.  I can only wear one jersey each week, but I will have all of you in my heart as you go onto the field Friday night. After all, as I always say, when I write my autobiography, I will title it, "I Married a Linebacker!"

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